The River Nile School (RNS) is an independent senior-secondary school delivering Applied Learning curriculum to re-engage refugee school-aged women who may have had disrupted schooling, are newly arrived to Australia or find a flexible learning environment most suitable to their learning. All students who attend RNS have English as an Additional Language (EAL) so developing student levels of language, literacy and numeracy (LLN) is a central focus of our teachers. RNS offers students the VCE Vocational Major (VM) and Victorian Pathways Certificate (VPC) with an integrated program with projects negotiated with and developed by students. It provides a high-challenge, high-support learning environment with a strengths-based approach.
RNS offers small class sizes and teachers work collaboratively to achieve the best possible outcomes for each student with individualised learning, wellbeing and support programs for all students. RNS adopts a holistic model for supporting the unique educational needs of each student, so developing strong student-teacher relationships is essential. As our students come from backgrounds where they may have experienced significant trauma and torture, we adopt a trauma-informed (healing) approach to our teaching.